목화 인형의 건설 주기는 얼마나 됩니까?

Date:2023-03-13 30 views

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The production cycle of plush dolls generally needs to be determined according to various factors such as different product types, customization requirements, and factory production conditions. However, under normal circumstances, the production cycle of plush dolls is roughly the following stages:
설계 단계: 이 단계는 샘플 확인, 설계 평가, 샘플 생산 등의 과정을 포함하며 보통 25일 정도 걸립니다.
Production stage: This stage is the main process of producing plush dolls, including material procurement, cutting, sewing, filling and other links. Simple Creation usually takes about 30 days, and the specific time depends on factors such as order quantity and factory production order.
Packaging and transportation stage: This stage is the process of packaging, packing, and shipping the finished plush dolls, which usually takes about a few days.
일반적으로 털인형의 생산주기는 일반적으로 2개월 좌우가 수요되는데 구체적인 시간은 여러가지 요소에 의해 결정된다.털인형을 대량으로 생산해야 할 경우 미리 준비하고 공장과 생산시간을 협의해 주문이 제때에 완료될 수 있도록 하는 것이 좋다.